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Tech changes quickly—that's no surprise. Download this guide with insights from Boomer Consulting to better understand the latest tech trends in accounting, and how you can leverage them to help drive your business forward.
In this eBook, Eric L. Green, Esq., founder of the Tax Rep Network, shares his exact folder structure for IRS collections and audits. These folder structures maintain consistency, helping his firm save $150,000 annually in billable time.
Acquiring and retaining clients is absolutely crucial to the success of your accounting practice. But when was the last time you thought about your onboarding process for them?
This eBook aims to provide an understanding of why process automation is important and a few factors to consider when looking at incorporating more automation into your firms daily practices.
This guide uses data and insights collected from over 5,000 conversations with professional services firms. With over 30 million companies still needing to file, it’s important to know where your firm stands in this emerging $7 billion filing market.
AI expert Glenn Hopper breaks down the roadmap in his best-selling book: Deep Finance. Download it for FREE today to learn how to harness the power of AI for business benefit.
Providing an excellent client experience not only improves your relationships, but creates longer-term and more profitable clients overall. And that's just good business.
The accounting industry has been changing rapidly—and there are a number of factors at play that are causing those changes. Firms that want to succeed will have to quickly adapt to this moving landscape by adopting new strategies.